Scientific Publications | HOBBIT Project FP7(Skip Content)
J. Pripfl, T. Körtner, D. Batko-Klein, D. Hebesberger, M. Wninger, C. Gisinger, S. Frennert, H. Eftring, M. Antona. I. Adami, A. Weiss, M. Bajones, M. Vincze : "Results of a Real World Trial with a Mobile Social
Service Robot for Older Adults", Int. Conf. on HRI, Late Breaking Reports, IEEE - ACM Digital Library
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D. Wolf, J. Prankl, M. Vincze: "Fast semantic segmentation of 3D point clouds using a dense CRF with learned parameters", ICRA 2015, Seatlle, WA, USA, May 26-30, 2015.
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P. Panek, P. Mayer,: "Challenges in adopting speech control for assistive robots", in: R. Wichert and H. Klausing (eds.), Ambient Assisted Living, Advanced Technologies and Societal Change, DOI 10.1007/978-3-319-11866-6_1, Springer, p. 3-14.
P. Panek, P. Mayer, W. L. Zagler: "Beiträge zur Benutzerinteraktion und Dialogführung bei leistbaren Service Robotern für ältere Menschen [Contributions to User Interaction and Dialogue Guidance for Affordable Service Robots for Older Persons]", 8th German AAL Kongress, April 29-30, 2015, Frankfurt, Germany
P. Panek, P. Mayer, F. Schuller, W. L. Zagler: "Beiträge zur Modellierung von "Persönlichkeit" bei assistiven Robotern für alte Menschen zwecks besserer Mensch-Roboter Interaktion [Contributions to the modelling of "personality" for assistive service robots for older persons for better human-robot interaction]", 8th German AAL Kongress, April 29-30, 2015, Frankfurt, Germany
- P. Panek, P. Mayer: "Reflections on a Versatile User Interface Framework for Older Persons Optimised for an Assistive Robot Providing Support in Daily Life", in proceedings of TAR 2015: Technically Assisted Rehabilitation, March 12 to 13, 2015, Berlin, Germany]
D. Fischinger, A. Weiss, M. Vincze: "Learning Grasps with Topographic Features", The International Journal of Robotics Research, 2015.
M. Bajones, M. Zillich. M. Vincze: "Can you help me here please? Enabling robust robotics through human-robot behaviour coordination", HRI 2015, Portland, USA, March 2-5, 2015.
[.pdf] - D. Michel, K. Papoutsakis, A.A. Argyros: "Gesture recognition supporting the interaction of humans with socially assistive robots", ISVC 2014, Las Vegas, USA, Dec 8-10, 2014.
D. Fischinger, P. Einramhof, K. Papoutsakis, W. Wohlkinger, P. Mayer, P. Panek, S. Hofmann, T. Körtner, A. Weiss, A. Argyros, M. Vincze: "Hobbit, a care robot supporting independent living at home: First prototype and lessons learned", Journal of Robotics and Autonomous Systems
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P. de la Puente, M. Bajones, P. Einramhof, D. Wolf, D. Fischinger: "RGB-D Sensor Setup for Multiple Tasks of Home Robots and
Experimental Results", IEEE/RSJ International Conference on Intelligent Robots and Systems, IROS 2014, Chicago, Illinois
Sept. 14-18, 2014
[.pdf] - P. Panek, C. Beck, G. Edelmayer, P. Mayer, M. Rauhala, W. L. Zagler: Connecting AAL devices and systems to improve service delivery, in: A. Curaj, I. Trif (eds.): AAL Forum 2014: Broader, Bigger, Better - AAL solutions for Europe, Palace of Parliament, Bucharest, Romania, 9 - 12 Sept 2014, pp. 89-92
D. Kosmopoulos, K. Papoutsakis, A.A. Argyros, "Segmentation and classification of actions in the context of unmodeled actions", British Machine Vision Conference (BMVC 2014), Nottingham, UK, Sep. 1-4, 2014.
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M. Vincze, A. Weiss, L. Lammer, A. Huber, G. Gatterer: "On the Discrepancy between Present Service Robots and Older Persons' Needs", 23rd IEEE Internationa Symposium on Robot and Human Interactive Communication (IEEE RO-MAN 2014), August 25-29, 2014, Edinburgh, Scotlan, UK
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C. Panagiotakis, A.A. Argyros, D. Michel: "Temporal segmentation and seamless stitching of motion patterns for synthesizing novel animations of periodic dances", International Conference on Pattern Recognition (ICPR 2014), Stockholm, Sweden, Aug. 24-28, 2014.
[.pdf] - D. Michel, C. Panagiotakis, A.A. Argyros: "Tracking the articulated motion of the human body with two RGBD cameras", Machine Vision Application journal, Vol. 46, pp.41-54, 2014
A. Huber, L. Lammer, A. Weiss, M. Vincze: "Designing Adaptive Roles for Socially Assistive Robots: A New Method to Reduce Technological Determinism and Role Stereotypes", Journal of Human-Robot Interaction, Vol. 3, No. 2, 2014, pp 100-115, DOI 10.5898/JHRI.3.2.Huber
[.link] - Apparatuses, Methods and Systems for Recovering a 3-Dimensional Skeletal model of the Human Body, U.S. provisional patent application, No. 62/053,667, Sept. 22, 2014
- Gesture Recnognition Apparatuses, Methods and Systems for Human-machine Interaction, U.S. provisional patent application no. 62/051,271, Sept. 16, 2014
- D. Fischinger: "Enabling Autonomous Robotic Grasping based on Topographic Features", PhD thesis, TU Wien, Austria, 2014 [.pdf]
- S. Frennert: "Older People and the Adoption of Innovations - A study of the expectations on the use of social assistive robots and telehealthcare systems", Licentiate thesis, Lund University, Sweden, 2014 [.pdf]
- S. Frennert, B. Östlund, Review: Seven Matters of Concern of Social Robots and Older People, International Journal of Social Robots, DOI 10.1007/s12369-013-0225-8, 2014
- P. Mayer, P. Panek: "Towards a multi-modal user interface for an affordable Assistive Robot", in: C. Stephanidis and M. Antona (Eds.): Universal Access in Human-Computer Interaction, Aging and Assistive Environments, 8th International Conference, UAHCI 2014, Held as Part of HCI International 2014, Heraklion, Crete, Greece, June 22-27, 2014, Proceedings, Part III, LNCS 8515, DOI 10.1007/978-3-319-07446-7, Springer International Publishing Switzerland, pp. 680-691, 2014
M. Foukarakis, A. Leonidis, M. Antona, C. Stephanidis: "Combining Finite State Machine and Decision-Making Tools for Adaptable Robot Behavior". In C. Stephanidis & M. Antona (Eds.), Universal Access in Human-Computer Interaction. Aging and Assistive Environments - Volume 6 of the combined Proceedings of the 16th International Conference on Human-Computer Interaction (HCI International 2014), Crete, Greece, 22-27 June, pp. 625-635. Berlin Heidelberg: Lecture Notes in Computer Science Series of Springer (LNCS 8515, ISBN: 978-3-319-07445-0).
[.pdf] - T. Körtner, A. Schmid, D. Batko-Klein, C. Gisinger: "Meeting Requirements of Older Users? Robot Prototype Trials in a Home-like Environment." Universal Access in Human-Computer Interaction. Aging and Assistive Environments Lecture Notes in Computer Science Volume 8515, 2014, pp 660-671, 16th International Conference on Human-Computer Interaction, 22 - 27 June 2014, Creta Maris, Heraklion, Crete, Greece
[.pdf] - M. Vincze, W. Zagler, L. Lammer, A. Weiss, A. Huber, D. Fischinger, T. Körtner, A. Schmid, C. Gisinger:"Towards a Robot for Supporting Older People to Stay Longer Inde-pendent at Home", International Symposium on Robotics ISR 2014, June 2-3, 2014, Munich, Germany
[.pdf] - M. Bajones, D. Wolf, J., M. Vincze: "Where to look first? Behaviour control for fetch-and-carry missions of service robots", Austrian Robotics Workshop, Linz, Austria, May 22-23, 2014.
- D. Wolf, M. Bajones, J. Prankl, M. Vincze: "Find my mug: Efficient object search with a mobile robot using semantic segmentation". 38th Annual Workshop of the Austrian Association for Pattern Recognition (ÖAGM), May 22-23, 2014.
- L. Lammer, A. Huber, A. Weiss, M. Vincze: "Mutual Care: How older adults react when they should help their care robot",
Third International Symposium on New Frontiers in Human Robot Interaction - AISB 2014, April 3-4, 2014, Goldsmiths, University of London, UK
[.pdf] - A. Weiss, J. Beer, T. Shibata, M. Vincze: "Socially Assistive Robots for the Aging Population: Are We Trapped in Stereotypes", in HRI'14: Proceedings of the 2014 ACM/IEEE International Conference on Human-Robot Interaction, March 3-6, 2014, Bielefeld, Germany.
- A. Huber, L. Lammer, M. Vincze : "Do Socially Assistive Robots Compromise our Moral Autonomy?",
International Conference: Going Beyond the Laboratory - Ethical and Societal Challenges for Robotics, February 13-15, 2014, Delmenhorst, Germany
[poster] [.pdf] - W.L. Zagler, P. Mayer, P. Panek, M. Vincze, A. Weiss, M. Bajones, P. Puente, A. Huber, L. Lammer, D. Fischinger : "Roboter-Unterstützung zu Hause - Das Projekt HOBBIT"
7th German AAL congress, January 21-22, 2014, Berlin, Germany
[.pdf] - P. Panek, P. Mayer : "Herausforderungen bei der Sprachsteuerung von assistiven Robotern [Challenges in adopting speech control for assistive robots]", presentation on 7th German AAL congress, January 21-22, 2014, Berlin, Germany.
- W.L. Zagler, M. Vincze : "Roboter-Unterstützung zu Hause - Das Projekt HOBBIT (Robotic support at home - The HOBBIT Project)",
accepted for publication at the 7th Ambient Assisted Living (AAL) Conference , January 21-22, 2014, Berlin, Germany
[.pdf] - D. Fischinger, P. Einramhof, W. Wohlkinger, K. Papoutsakis, P. Mayer, P. Panek, T. Koertner, S. Hofmann,
A. Argyros, M. Vincze, A. Weiss, C. Gisinger: "HOBBIT - The Mutual Care Robot",
ASROB-2013 in conjunction with
IEEE/RSJ International Conference on Intelligent Robots and Systems (IROS), November 7, 2013, Tokyo Big Sight, Japan
[.pdf] - A. Weiss, M. Vincze, P. Panek, P. Mayer: "Don't Bother Me: Users' Reactions to Different Robot Disturbing Behaviors", International Conference in Social Robots 2013 Oct 27-29 2013, Bristol, UK; [.pdf]
- B. Baumgaertner, A. Weiss: "Do Emotions Matter in the Ethics of Human-Robot Interaction? - Artificial Empathy and Companion Robots", Third International Symposium on New Frontiers in Human Robot Interaction - AISB 2014, April 3-4, 2014, Goldsmiths, University of London, UK [.pdf]
- S. Frennert, H. Eftring, B. Östlund: "What older people expect of robots: A mixed methods approach", International Conference in Social Robots 2013 Oct 27-29 2013, Bristol, UK; in: Lecture Notes in Computer Science, Volume 8239, 2013, pp. 19-29 [.link]
- S. Frennert, H. Eftring, B. Östlund: "Older people's involvement in the development of a social assistive robot",
International Conference in Social Robots 2013 Oct 27-29 2013, Bristol, UK; in: Lecture Notes in Computer Science, Volume 8239, 2013, pp. 8-18
[.link] - S. Frennert: "Social companion robots in eldercare - who gains and who loses?", Proceeding at ICSR2013 at the workshop on social companion robots, Bristol, UK, October 2013
- P. Mayer, P. Panek: "A Social Assistive Robot in an Intelligent Environment?",
in: Abstract Book BMT2013 Graz, 3-Ländertagung D-A-CH, September 19-21, 2013, Biomedizinische Technik, Graz, Austria, pp.219-220.
[.pdf] - S. Frennert: "Using Attention Cards to Facilitate Active Participation in Eliciting Old Adults' Requirements for Assistive Robots",
Proceedings at RoMan2013, Gyeongju, Korea, August 2013
[.link] - K. Papoutsakis, P. Padeleris, A. Ntelidakis, S. Stefanou, X. Zabulis, D. Kosmopoulos, A.A. Argyros, "Developing visual competencies for socially assistive robots: the HOBBIT approach", to appear in Proceedings of Workshop on Robotics in Assistive Environments (RasEnv 2013), in conjunction with PETRA 2013, Rhodes, Greece, May 28-30, 2013.
- D. Fischinger, M. Vicnze: "Learning Grasps for Unknown Objects in Cluttered Scenes", IEEE International Conference on Robotics and Automation (ICRA), Karlsruhe, Germany; May 6-10, 2013; in: "Proceedings of the International Conference on Robotics and Automation (ICRA) 2013", (2013).
- S. Olufs, M.Vincze: "Semantic Segmentation in Manhattan-like Environments from 2.5D data", in: "Proceedings of the 18th International Symposium on Artificial Life and Robotics (AROB 2013)", (2013), Daejon/South Korea, January 30 - February 1, 2013.
- P. Mayer, C. Beck, P. Panek: Examples of Multimodal User Interfaces for Socially Assistive Robots in Ambient Assisted Living Environments, to be printed in proceedings of 3rd IEEE Conference on Cognitive Infocommunications, CogInfoCom 2012, Dec 2-5, 2012, Kosice, Slovakia.
- S. Frennert, B Östlund, H. Eftring: "Capturing seniors' requirements for assistive robots by the use of attention cards" of a Social Robotic Assistant"; "Efficient Scale and Rotation Invariant Object Detection based on HOGs and Evolutionary Optimization
, Proceedings of the 7th Nordic Conference on Human-Computer Interaction: Making Sense Through Design
Pages 783-784.
[.link] - D. Fischinger, M. Vincze: "Shape based Learning for Grasping Novel Objects in Cluttered Scenes",
International IFAC Symposium on Robot Control (SYROCO), Dubrovnik, Kroatien; September 5-7, 2012; in: "Proceedings of the 10th International IFAC Symposium on Robot Control (SYROCO) 2012", (2012).
- S. Stefanou, A.A. Argyros: "How Social Robots Make Older Users Really Feel Well− A Method to Assess Users‘ Concepts
of a Social Robotic Assistant"; "Efficient Scale and Rotation Invariant Object Detection based on HOGs and Evolutionary Optimization
Techniques", in Proceedings of the International Symposium on Visual Computing, ISVC 2012, Rethymno, Crete, Jul. 16-18, 2012.
[.pdf] - Tobias Körtner, Alexandra Schmid, Daliah Batko-Kleinl, Christoph Gisingerl,
Andreas Huber, Lara Lammer, and Markus Vincze: "How Social Robots Make Older Users Really Feel Well− A Method to Assess Users‘ Concepts
of a Social Robotic Assistant"; Lecture Notes in Computer Science Volume 7621, 2012, pp 138-147.
[.link] - Susanne Frennert, Britt Östlund, and Hakan Eftring: "Would Granny Let an Assistive Robot into Her Home?";
Lecture Notes in Computer Science Volume 7621, 2012, pp 128-137.
[.link] - A. Huber, L. Lammer, M. Vincze: "Mutual Care in Social Assistive Robotics"; Proceedings of the International Conference on Cognitive
Systems 2012 (CogSys 2012), 2012.
[.pdf] - D. Fischinger, M. Vincze: "Empty the Basket - A Shape Based Learning Approach for Grasping Piles of Unknown Objects"; Proc. of the IEEE/RSJ
International Conference on Intelligent Robots and Systems (IROS) 2012", 2012, Vilamoura, Algarve Portugal, October 7-12, 2012.
[.pdf] - P. Padeleris, X. Zabulis and A.A. Argyros, "Head pose estimation on depth data based on Particle Swarm Optimization"; Proceedings of ,
the Workshop on Human Activity Understanding from 3D Data (HAU3D 2012) in conjunction with CVPR 2012, Rhode Island, USA, June 21, 2012.
[.pdf] - L. Lammer, A. Huber, W. Zagler, M. Vincze, MUTUAL-CARE: "USERS WILL LOVE THEIR IMPERFECT SOCIAL ASSISTIVE ROBOTS", Proceedings of the
International Conference on Social Robotics 2011 (ICSR2011), Amsterdam, the Netherlands, November 24-25, 2011.