HOBBIT Project FP7 Media Coverage(Skip Content)

"Press Review Vienna Research Festival", September 23, 2015

Press Review about the Vienna Research Festival which took place for the fourth time at the Naschmarkt.

Wirtschaftsagentur.at, ots.at and wien.gv.at report about HOBBIT the Gesture Robot (page 12, 13 and 14).
download the press review here (in German)

this photo shows HOBBIT at the vienna research festival

HOBBIT video recorded by Swedish Educational Broadcasting Company, August 5, 2015

The HOBBIT project and the seventh of the Swedish HOBBIT PT2 users were video recorded by the Swedish Educational Broadcasting Company (part of the public service broadcasting group) to be presented in a future programme about robots in society.

"Futurezone - Tastsinn und Feingefühl für Roboter", August 1, 2015

Futurezone reports about the ACIN Spin-Off Blue Danube Robotics and how they started from HOBBIT to develop a robot for care of older adults
read the article here (in German)

"Die Presse - Pioneers Festival: Was die Zukunft bringt", May 30, 2015

Die Presse reports about the Pionieers Festival and HOBBIT who was presented there on May 28-29 at Vienna Hofburg.
read the article here (in German)

"Sveriges Television", May 29, 2015

the HOBBIT project and the first of the Swedish HOBBIT PT2 users were presented in the Swedish national television news program “SVT Rapport” and in the regional television news "SVT Nyheter Skåne".

HOBBIT on the Swedish national television news program “SVT Rapport” interviewing one of the users (left) and snapshot of the broadcast (right)

watch the video here

"Radio Schweden - Roboter als fleißige Helferlein", May 29, 2015

the HOBBIT project and the first of the Swedish HOBBIT PT2 users were presented in the regional Swedish Radio program “P4 Malmöhus”.
read the article here (in German)

"Lunds University Press Release", May 29, 2015

Lund University sent out a press release of the HOBBIT project.
read the article here (in Swedish)

"derStandard Forschung Spezial - Ein Tastsinn für Roboter", April 15, 2015

In the article "Ein Tastsinn für Roboter" derStandard reports about the ACIN Spin-off Blue Danube Robotics and their work on a robot arm covered with some kind of foam skin which functions as tactile sensor. Furthermore they report about HOBBIT and the importance of such sensors for home robotics.
read the article here (in German)

"Die Presse - Vielversprechende Blicke in unsere technische Zukunft", April 13, 2015

HOBBIT was presented at the Gala Night "Technik 2015" organised by TUW.

Due to the demonstration to the minister of finance and university, Mr. Reinhold Mitterlehner, we were selected and kindly asked to also show the robot at the Vienna Research Festival.
read the article about this event here (in German)

"2030 Das Zukunftsmagazin", 1/2015

Care robots as fixed part of society in 2030 – an article in 2030 Zukunftmagazin – takes up the HOBBIT and related ideas.
read the article here (in German)

Robolink Katalog 2015

HOBBIT uses a robot arm of igus® GmbH. IGUS added HOBBIT as application solution for home robotics to their robolink® catalog 2015. The catalogue was used at the AUTOMATICA fair 2015 in Munich to draw attention to the HOBBIT robot arm. (www.igus.de) IGUS also came with a new robot arm based on a more conventional drive system that is very interesting for the final robot since it builds smaller and might allow to build a smaller robot base platform.

"ORF - Hallo okidoki, February 28, 2015

HOBBIT on Hallo okidoki

Hallo okidoki is a children's program on Austrian's national public service broadcaster. They explain children how robotics work. HOBBIT is presented in this TV report too. They state how a robot can help and support older people in the future.
Watch the video here (in German)

"der Standard - Pflegeroboter und weltweite Streik-Sensoren", February 24, 2015

der Standard writes about the i2c innovation center and the "Commercial Viability Award"
read the article here (in German)

The HOBBIT exploitation team wins the "Commercial Viability Award"

The HOBBIT exploitation team wins the "Commercial Viability Award" at the i2c innovation event (www.informatik.tuwien.ac.at/i2c/start-academy) organised by Vienna University of Technology.

HOBBIT on its way to the demo at TU Wien coming from tests in a home.

The prize is one of only 6 annual pitches to the austrian angel investors association (aaia). In addition HOBBBIT was invited to present at the Pioneers Festival (pioneers.io) at Wiener Hofburg 28.-29. Mai 2015 to present HOBBIT to international investors.

i2c StartAcademy 2015 - 1st BootCamp for R&D Result Transfer

HOBBIT and the other teams of the i2C awards on youtube

"der Standard - Blödmaschinen und Intelligenzverstärker: Wie Hightech die Gesellschaft verändert", February 18, 2015

HOBBIT PT1 as example of a future service robot in a discussion how robots and other high technology may influence and alter the society.
read the article here (in German)

"HOBBIT on the project map "EU vor Ort", November 4, 2014

Numerous projects in Austria are funded by the European Commission. HOBBIT is one of them. The map "EU vor Ort" shows some of this funded projects.
project map "EU vor Ort" (in German)

"Profil - Silicon Wieden", September 22, 2014

In the article "Silicon Wieden" Profil reports about the ACIN Spin-Off Blue Danube Robotics.
read the article here (in German)

Okto TV - Jukebox, Technologien des 21. Jahrhunderts", September 17, 2014

Okto TV reports about HOBBIT
watch the video here (in German)
The TV report starts at 9 min 6 sec.

"Die Presse am Sonntag - Der Roboter, dein Freund und Helfer", August 31, 2014

In the article "Der Roboter, ein Freund und Helfer" Die Presse am Sonntag reports about the ACIN Spin-Off Blue Danube Robotics.
read the article here (in German)

"Herba Impulse - Neues aus unserer Zukunft", 02/2014

In the article "Neues aus unserer Zukunft" Herba Impulse writes about HOBBIT.
read the article here (in German)

"Sveriges Radio", August 13, 2014

Swedish radio spoke to Susanne Frennert, a PhD candidate in rehabilitation technology at Lund University in Sweden, one of the researchers working on the project. The program concerned how our society might change when autonomous robots enters swedish eldercare.
listen to the interview here (in Swedish)

"Mediaplanet - Die zentrale Aufgabe ist die Sicherheit", April 23, 2014

In the article "Die zentrale Aufgabe ist die Sicherheit" Mediaplanet writes about HOBBIT
read the article (online edition) here (in German)
read the article (printed edition) here (in German)

"Salzburger Nachrichten (online edition) - Job-Bedrohung? Roboter erobern den Alltag", April 2, 2014

In the article "Job-Bedrohung? Roboter erobern den Alltag" Salzburger Nachrichten online edition writes about HOBBIT
read the article here (in German)

"Salzburger Nachrichten - Ein Roboter der Leben rettet", April 2, 2014

In the article "Ein Roboter der Leben rettet" Salzburger Nachrichten writes about HOBBIT
read the article here (in German)

Robolink Katalog, 2014

HOBBIT is mentioned in the Robolink newsletter
download the picture here

"Zeit Wissen - Neue Jobs für Roboter", February, 2014

HOBBIT is mentioned in the article "Neue Jobs für Roboter" (p. 81)
read the article "Neue Jobs fü Roboter" here (in German)

"Stepping out of the Lab: Steve Cousins about New Robotic Companies", October 31, 2013

Steve Cousins (CEO of Savioke Robotics ) writes in an article in Forbes about Blue Danube Robotics and its approach to the service robot market.
read the article "Stepping out of the Lab" here

"Die Presse - Gesucht: Der virtuelle Butler", October 12, 2013

HOBBIT mentioned as reference implementation of robot for elderly when Prof. Robert Trappl presents his new book on "The Virtual Butler".
read the article "Gesucht: Der virtuelle Butler" here (in German)

HOBBIT nominated for robot of the year , October 8, 2013
"Futurezone - Die Wahl des Roboters des Jahres powered by FESTO

The Robotics Award is one of the special awards of the futurezone Awards 2013. The award is under the patronage of FESTO, a world's leading company in automation.
read the article "Die Wahl des Roboters des Jahres powered by FESTO" here (in German)

HOBBIT at the Social Medical Center in Vienna, SMZ Ost , September, 2013

The Social Medical Center in Vienna The academy of ageing research was invited to present the Hobbit project in a nursing school (Social Medical Center in Vienna, SMZ Ost) in September 2013
Among the attendees were students, teachers and the director of the facility. All of them shared a deep interest to find out more about the Hobbit project. Some of the students had already gained knowledge about social robots like Paro, Asimo, Hector and even Hobbit due to a school project called "the future of care". The participants were very impressed by the effort put into the Hobbit project and its aim to increase the autonomy and quality of life of elderly people.

"derStandard - Sei kein Blechtrottel!", August 22, 2013

In the article "Sei kein Blechtrottel!" derStandard writes about robotic research, e.g., at MIT, and the robotic research at TU Vienna including HOBBIT pictures
read the article "Sei kein Blechtrottel!" here (in German)

"Branchenkatalog Medizintechnik - Made in Tirol", August 2013

HELLA Automation GmbH and HOBBIT are represented on page 38 in the journal Branchenkatalog
Medizintechnik - Made in Tirol
download the journal here

"der Standard - Roboter und Menschen auf Augenhöhe", July 3, 2013

In the article "Roboter und Menschen auf Augenhöhe" der Standard writes about Astrid Weiss work on HOBBIT
read the article "Roboter und Menschen auf Augenhöhe" here (in German)

"Die Presse - Roboter sollen wie Menschen sehen", June 22, 2013

In the article "Roboter sollen wie Menschen sehen" Die Presse writes about how HOBBIT can "see"
read the article "Roboter sollen wie Menschen sehen" here (in German)

"Kurier - Ein Pflegeroboter für die eigenen vier Wände", June 7, 2013

In the article "Ein Pflegeroboter für die eigenen vier Wände" Kurier reports about HOBBIT
read the article Ein Pflegeroboter für die eigenen vier Wände" here (in German)

"Die Presse - Wie Roboter die Kreativszene erobern", June 1, 2013

In the article "Wie Roboter die Kreativszene erobern" Die Presse reports about HOBBIT
read the article "Wie Roboter die Kreativszene erobern" here (in German)

The Swedish news web site "Evidensbaserad praktik" ("Evidence-based practice"), May 22, 2013

Evidensbaserad praktik reports about HOBBIT
"Evidensbaserad praktik" is published by "Kommunförbundet Skåne" (Scania's Association of Local Authorities) and "Region Skåne" (Region Skåne, or Skåne Regional Council, is the self-governing authority of Skåne, the southernmost country of Sweden.)
read the article here (in Swedish)

HOBBIT in "Ny Teknik", May 15, 2013

Ny Teknik reports about HOBBIT
"Ny Teknik is Sweden's largest technology and IT newspaper. The weekly title covers sectors such as biotechnology, energy, environment, industry, IT and telecom."
Ny Teknik has about 200 000 readers (87 000 professional readers of the Automation section).

The newspaper in south Sweden "Skanska Dagbladet", May 13, 2013

Skanska Dagbladet reports about HOBBIT
read the article here (in Swedish)

HOBBIT in the national Swedish evening paper "Aftonbladet", May 6, 2013

Aftonbladet reports about HOBBIT
"Aftonbladet is Sweden's largest paper with more than 2.8 million readers every day."
read the article here (in Swedish)

The Swedish newspaper "Göteborgs-Posten", May 6, 2013

Göteborgs-Posten reports about HOBBIT
Göteborgs-Posten is western Sweden's biggest daily morning paper. Over 600 000 readers every day.
read the article here (in Swedish)

Aktuellt om vetenskap & hälsa – populärvetenskapligt om medicinsk forskning fran Lunds universitet och Region Skane", May 3, 2013

The Popular Science news web site about Medical Research from Lund University and Region Skane in south Sweden reports about HOBBIT
read the article here (in Swedish)

Nyheter P4 Malmöhus, May 2, 2013

The regional radio news in south Sweden "Nyheter P4 Malmöhus" reports about HOBBIT
(4:09 - 4:35) listen to the report here (in Swedish)

HOBBIT on the international radio programme "Radio Sweden", May 2, 2013

Radio Sweden reports about HOBBIT, they also interviewed Susanne Frennert
listen to the report on "Radio Sweden" here (in English)

HOBBIT on local radio news, May 2, 2013

Nyheter P4 Malmöhus (local radio news in Sweden) reports about HOBBIT
listen to the report on "local radio news" here (in Swedish)

Press release from Lund University, May 1, 2013

A press release has been sent out from Lund university:
read the press release here (in Swedish)

"Kurier - Mit Roboterhilfe länger zu Hause leben", April 30, 2013

In the article "mit Roboterhilfe länger zu Hause leben" Kurier writes about HOBBIT
read the article "Mit Roboterhilfe länger zu Hause leben" here (in German)

Okto Tiefenschärfe, April 12, 2013

Okto TV reports about HOBBIT
watch the video here (in German)
The TV report starts at 4 min 58 sec.

"Wirtschaftsblatt - Vielversprechender Auftritt des ersten HOBBIT-Prototypen", April 4, 2013

Wirtschaftsblatt (Industrie Spezial) reports about HOBBIT
read the article "Vielversprechender Auftritt des ersten HOBBIT-Prototypen" here (in German)

"Medical Tribune - Hobbit hilft wo er kann", March 27, 2013

Medical Tribune reports about HOBBIT.
No longer available online

"TV Media - Warum Geräte immer früher den Geist aufgeben ", March 27, 2013

In the article "Warum Geräte immer früher den Geist aufgeben" TV Media writes about HOBBIT.
No longer available online

"emedia - Lass mich dein Freund sein!", March 22, 2013

In the article "Lass mich dein Freund sein" emedia writes about HOBBIT.
read the article "Lass mich dein Freund sein!" here (in German)

"vormagazin - Ein Hobbit, der hilft ...", 4/2013

vormagazin (free metro magazine in Vienna) #042013, page 77.
read the article "Ein Hobbit, der hilft" here (in German)

"Medianet - Pflegeroboter aus Wien" March 22, 2013

Medianet reports about HOBBIT.
No longer available online

"Hellocoton" March 21, 2013

Hellocoton reports about Hobbit
read the article from Hellocoton here (in French)

"Medianet.at - Pflegeroboter aus Wien" March 21, 2013

Medianet.at reports about HOBBIT.
No longer available online

"Euronews - Hobbit Robot Help For The Elderly", March 20, 2013

Euronews reports about HOBBIT.

"Telekommunikations- & IT Report - Helfender Roboter" March 19, 2013

Telekommunikations- & IT Report reports about HOBBIT.
read the article "Helfender Roboter" here (in German)

"Associated Press - Austria: Hobbit Robot for Elderly Technophobes" March 17, 2013

Associated Press, English article of an international press agency
read the article here

"Österreich - Roboter als Pfleger" March 15, 2013

Österreich reports about HOBBIT.
No longer available on-line

"De Telegraaf" March 15, 2013

De Telegraaf, the largest daily morning newspaper in the Netherlands, reports about HOBBIT.
read the article here

"W24 - Pflegeroboter HOBBIT vorgestellt", March 14, 2013

W24 reports about HOBBIT
watch the video here (in German)

"ORF Heute konkret - HOBBIT Roboter", March 14, 2013

ORF Heute konkret reports about HOBBIT
No longer available online

APA (Austria Press Agentur), March 14, 2013

APA participated at the Press Conference on March 14, 2013.
See some photos of the event here

"derStandard - Pflegeroboter "Hobbit" soll Senioren Leben zu Hause ermöglichen", March 14, 2013

In the article "Pflegeroboter "Hobbit" soll Senioren Leben zu Hause ermöglichen" derStandard writes about HOBBIT
Read the article "Pflegeroboter "Hobbit" soll Senioren Leben zu Hause ermöglichen" here (in German)

"WOMAN Award 2012"

Dipl.-Ing. Lara Lammer, a researcher from ACIN, wins 2nd prize of the WOMAN Award 2012.
See some photos of the award presentation here

"DiePresse - Mensch und Roboter: Ein eingespieltes Team", December 15, 2012

In the article "Mensch und Roboter: Ein eingespieltes Team" DiePresse reports about HOBBIT
Read the article "Mensch und Roboter: Ein eingespieltes Team" here (in German)

Lara Lammer is nominated for the WOMAN–Award 2012

For more infos about the WOMAN-Award click here (in German)

"futurezone.at - TU Wien rückt Roboter näher zum Menschen" , September 6, 2012

The aim of the workgroup KOROS is to address the challenges for a harmonious co-existence of humans and robots. During the presentation at the Technical University it was possible to discover the interaction, such as arm wrestling, with the robots.
Read the article "TU Wien rückt Roboter näher zum Menschen" here (in German):

"Kronen Zeitung - Kochen, waschen und bügeln: In Zukunft machts der Roboter" , September 6, 2012

Kronen Zeitung reports about robots in the future
Read the article "In Zukunft machts der Roboter" here (in German)

"Österreichische Pflegezeitschrift, HOBBIT - The Mutual Care Robot, 6-7/2012

Österreichische Pfegezeitschrift reports about HOBBIT
Read the article "HOBBIT - The Mutual Care Robot" here (in German)

"Psychologie in Österreich - HOBBIT the Mutual Care Robot"

Psychologie in Österreich reports about HOBBIT
Read the article "HOBBIT the Mutual Care Robot" here (in German)

"Kronen Zeitung - "Ein R2-D2 zum Putzen"

Kronen Zeitung reports about KOROS
Read the article "Ein R2-D2 zum Putzen" here (in German)

"derStandard - Der Traum vom Roboter für alles", June 12, 2012

Interview with Lara Lammer about HOBBIT
derStandard Interview with Lara Lammer, read the interview here (in German)

"FEMtech - Expert of the month June 2012" , June 2012

Lara Lammer is "Expert of the month"
read the FEMtech-article here (in German):
read the FEMtech interview with Lara Lammer here (in German)

"Auf den Hund gekommen - Wiener Forscher entwickeln einen leistbaren Haushaltsroboter"

"Die Presse" presents HOBBIT
read the article "Wiener Forscher entwickeln einen leistbaren Haushaltsroboter" here (in German)

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